Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Today’s cyber threat landscape spreads across endpoints, servers, web, networks and emails. Not just that, with the excessive adoption of cloud technologies, the threat multiplies to on-premise and cloud too. Thus, making it a mammoth task for security administrators...
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Authentication can easily be termed as the foundation of any eBusiness. With companies expanding their audience-base, it becomes important that they concentrate on user-authentication for validating and securing their identity. Reliable authentication also lays the foundation for asset and...
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
With the cybersecurity threat-landscape evolving with each passing day, it becomes important that organizations opt for newer and safer strategies for staying functional without worrying about cyber-threats. Moreover, organizations must readily focus on cybersecurity while keeping a track of...
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
2017 was a highly eventful year for cybersecurity experts as they incessantly kept combating the proliferating security incidents with considerable success. While a few incidents grabbed the headlines, a majority of cyber-attacks went unannounced. Now in 2018, it seems...