Estimated reading time: 10 minutes
In 2018, we saw a surge in Emotet activity. Emotet started as a banking trojan but this blog will shed light on how it has also become a “threat distributor”. We will also discuss server-side and client-side activity and...
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Cyber-attacks through phishing emails are increasing and generally, attackers use DOC embedded macros to infiltrate victim’s machine. Recently Quick Heal Security Labs came across a Phishing e-mail sample which uses Microsoft’s equation editor exploit to spread Hawkeye keylogger. Cybercriminals...
Estimated reading time: < 1 minute
The recent zero-day vulnerability CVE-2018-8440 in Windows Task Scheduler enables attackers to perform a privilege elevation on targeted machines. Microsoft has released a security advisory CVE-2018-8440 on September 11, 2018 to address this issue. According to Microsoft, successful exploitation...