While enterprises often focus on building strong, robust cybersecurity interfaces for their in-house networks, cybersecurity for cloud networks is a whole different ballgame. Yet, enterprises cannot avoid the advantages of doing their business on the cloud – the sheer convenience and the flexibility offered are perks which all enterprises want to embrace. That also means that while embracing the advantages, they must also build a strong cloud network security strategy to safeguard their defenses.
Some of the key points that need to be considered when creating a strong cloud network security strategy include:
A layered approach – Cybersecurity is a domain where there’s no one solution for all the dangers that lurk in the wild and it is important to maintain a layered approach for cloud network security, allowing multiple safeguards in case of undesirable events. This would include safeguarding all endpoints with strong anti-virus and anti-malware solutions like Seqrite Endpoint Security (EPS), while utilizing Enterprise Mobility Management solutions like Seqrite MobiSMART for mobile devices.
Comply with regulations – Most companies nowadays operate under some sort of regulatory control of their data, for example the HIPAA for private health information or the FERPA for student records. Often this information is stored in the cloud with very limited access and under strict regulations. If this data privacy is violated, it can have serious consequences and is a factor to be kept in mind when considering a cloud network security strategy.
Encryption – If data is stored on the cloud, then enterprises must consider encrypting that data. This ensures that the data stored would be useless to a cyber-criminal if the cloud is breached in any particular way without the encryption key. Companies can consider Seqrite’s Endpoint Encryption solution which is a one-stop security solution for companies looking to bolster their data security, foster customer confidence by securely handling their data and ensure compliance with data protection laws.
The need for a strong cybersecurity policy – The best strategies can be ineffective if they are not backed up with a strong cybersecurity policy. When it comes to cloud network security, enterprises must be proactive in drafting strong, effective cybersecurity policies. These must clearly lay out what is expected of employees, the rules and processes involved and also the importance of staying safe. These policies must be complied to and regularly updated, based on trends and updates in the market.
Integration with mobile – Any cloud network security strategy will need to have an integration with mobile phones. Hence, there is also the need for an enterprise to have strong Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solutions to manage the mobile devices on their network. They can consider solutions like Seqrite mSuite and Seqrite MobiSMART for this regard, allowing employees to access productivity apps on BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) or CYOD (Choose Your Own Device) platforms while maintaining strong security.