Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Cyberworld has become a jungle full of dangerous beasts. There are so many threats out there that it requires a large and dedicated set of professionals with state of the art equipment to protect the organization against all of...Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Today the economy is all about data. All the business financial information, customer information, Intellectual property information, and all other information about the business is stored in digital format. All this information is data. In a pre-digital era, the data was in physical...Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Smartphones have made way into our personal and professional life. Apart from always being connected to the world, there are many business functions that users, today, perform with their smartphones. Business emails, document reviews, editing, and video conferencing are just...Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Use of technology provides improvements in productivity, cost savings and more accurate process execution in almost all industries. This applies to both private and public sector (Government bodies). Use of technology reduces back logs, increases the speed of processes and improves overall...