Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Cyber-attacks through phishing emails are increasing and generally, attackers use DOC embedded macros to infiltrate victim’s machine. Recently Quick Heal Security Labs came across a Phishing e-mail sample which uses Microsoft’s equation editor exploit to spread Hawkeye keylogger. Cybercriminals...Estimated reading time: < 1 minute
The recent zero-day vulnerability CVE-2018-8440 in Windows Task Scheduler enables attackers to perform a privilege elevation on targeted machines. Microsoft has released a security advisory CVE-2018-8440 on September 11, 2018 to address this issue. According to Microsoft, successful exploitation...Estimated reading time: < 1 minute
The recent zero-day vulnerability in Windows VBScript Engine (CVE-2018-8174), enables attackers to perform a remote code execution on targeted machines. Microsoft has released a security advisory CVE-2018-8174 on May 8, 2018, to address this issue. According to Microsoft, it impacts most of the Windows...Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Apache Struts is an open-source CMS based on MVC framework for developing Java EE Web Applications. Apache Struts has been widely used by many Fortune 100 companies and government agencies over the years for developing web applications. But, websites built using a CMS constantly need to...Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
No wonder malspam campaigns are a major medium to spread malware. Previously, we have written about such campaigns making use of MS Office malware such as malicious macro, CVE-2017-0199, CVE-2017-8759 and DDE-based attack. Recently, we have started observing various malspam campaigns...Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
For the past few years, we have been seeing macro-based attacks through Object Linking Embedding (OLE)/Microsoft Office files. But, presently, attackers are using a different technique to spread malware through Office files – using a new attack vector called ‘Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)’. DDE is an authorized Microsoft Office feature that provides several...Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
The recent zero-day vulnerability in .NET Framework vulnerability CVE-2017-8759 enables attackers to perform a Remote Code Execution on the targeted machine. This vulnerability is found to be exploited in the wild through email spam messages loaded with malicious RTF files...